Monday, November 26, 2012

Role Models...or Lack Thereof

I honestly haven't really had any role models.  I looked up to my grandmother but I wouldn't have said she was a role model.  As far as famous, well-known women I still don't consider any of them role models.  However, I do commend the efforts of women like Hilary Clinton and Oprah.  Women are portrayed as needing to be tall, impossibly thin and stupid.  Because of this portrayal, women who aren't like this are looked down upon.  Even if you are smart you will be hard pressed to be taken seriously.  I definitely believe that the way women are portrayed in the media has a direct effect on women in powerful positions.  Comments made about women in a position of power or trying to obtain one are about their looks or what they're wearing, not about what they have to say.  Until the portrayal of women in the media changes the outlook isn't too good.  Having the few strong women like Hilary Clinton and Oprah, among others, fighting their way to the top is definitely helping the cause.   But, there is a long way to go yet.

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