Monday, December 10, 2012

Course Reflection

This course was very beneficial to me, I am glad I took it near the beginning of my college experience since everything learned here can be taken on to all other classes.  Overall, this course really helped with analyzing texts which I hadn't expected to do.  This was the first class where a text was read and one sentence or portion was taken out and really analyzed as to what was being said by that statement.  After having done this process in this course I am surprised that I have not been required done so before.  When it came down to the actually writing process I was equally pleased.  Prior to the class I felt more like it was just writing a paper to get it done rather than a process to get your ideas across to the reader.  Now that I have completed the writing process, for college-level papers, I feel much more confident.  I also am very pleased about receiving comments written right into our completed comments rather than just an overall comment.  I love being able to go back and correct the papers after having received the comments.  I think being allowed to do this really completes the writing process and helps make the students better writers.  As far as the thinking in this course, it was more that I expected.  Not to mean I wasn't expecting to think for this class.  Critical thinking was a pivotal part of the course and the classroom discussions and brainstorming really helped to develop complex ideas on what we wanted to write about for each paper.  

I enjoyed the reading assignments and movies that we watched.  I never even knew about the Geechee and their struggle until we read God, Dr. Buzzard, and the Bolito Man.  I also enjoyed being able to read other students' examples of papers to see what grade that type of paper would receive.  It definitely helped put the grading rubric into perspective.  Reading all the different articles allowed us to get different points view from different sources on the same subject.  I also enjoyed the concept of watching the movie and writing a paper on just one point of that movie that intrigued us; rather than just writing about the movie as a whole.  This allowed us to use our critical thinking skills and apply it to something we were passionate about. 

Overall, this was a very enjoyable class and I'm really glad I was a part of it.  With the skills we learned, all my future college-level papers will be able to be up to expectations.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Role Models...or Lack Thereof

I honestly haven't really had any role models.  I looked up to my grandmother but I wouldn't have said she was a role model.  As far as famous, well-known women I still don't consider any of them role models.  However, I do commend the efforts of women like Hilary Clinton and Oprah.  Women are portrayed as needing to be tall, impossibly thin and stupid.  Because of this portrayal, women who aren't like this are looked down upon.  Even if you are smart you will be hard pressed to be taken seriously.  I definitely believe that the way women are portrayed in the media has a direct effect on women in powerful positions.  Comments made about women in a position of power or trying to obtain one are about their looks or what they're wearing, not about what they have to say.  Until the portrayal of women in the media changes the outlook isn't too good.  Having the few strong women like Hilary Clinton and Oprah, among others, fighting their way to the top is definitely helping the cause.   But, there is a long way to go yet.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sapelo Island, GA

My family does not have ancestral land.  My grandparents have lived on their property since before they had my mother and two uncles but I do no see anyone else in my family moving in there once my grandparents pass on.  My immediate family and I have moved 5 times now and I have moved twice in addition.  I do not think land has been important enough to pass down land from generation to generation because everyone is more focused on their situation.  Moving to an area they prefer or closer to work or more room for a larger family.  I think this kind of mentality creates much more separation in the family than those who show much more importance to ancestral land.  I think that the land means everything to the people of Sapelo Island.  With their ancestors being forced to Sapelo Island to be slaves there is a lot of history on that land.  Slavery was ended and they were able to work the same land but to their own means.  The land game them everything they needed to survive and it was theirs to call their own.  The whole family participated with working the land and it was handed down from generation to generation.  Even moving from one part of the island to the other was upsetting for Cornelia Walker's family.  The land on Sapelo Island is like an identity for its people.  It represents a difficult history that was overcome.  To give up the land would be giving up a piece of themselves.  The more I think about it the more I would like to be a part of something so meaningful.  The way my family works it wouldn't matter much where I lived which kind of creates a daunting feeling.  Those on Sapelo Island have a sense of belonging.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Waiting for Superman

I do not have any children of my own so my following opinions are based solely on the movie and the contradicting article; I haven't completed any outside research.

I found the movie very compelling.  I know the public school systems have been lagging but I never realized how bad some of them have become.  I felt for those parents struggling to get their kids into the charter schools.  And the lottery they held, although necessary with so few spots available, was almost torturous for those that weren't chosen.  I also couldn't believe that something such as tenure exists for teachers.  That's ridiculous.  If someone is not doing the job that they were hired to do they should be fired.  No other occupation that I'm aware of has such a thing.  Teaching is not for everyone and I'm glad others are willing to do it, but if you're not going to put all you've got into teaching you shouldn't be doing it.  The future of the children can change depending on their teachers, that's kind of a big deal.  The movie portrays teachers unions as being the one reason we can't make the schools better but I think it's a lot of different aspects causing issues.  Mainly all of the problems lie with the adults.  I think we need to sit down and figure out what the best school system would look like that is standardized throughout the country.  Forget everything else while this is being done.  Then, and only then, will all the details be figured out around that concept.  The education of our children should be the priority over everything else.  Teachers' Unions have a right to exist but I think that they are being unreasonably demanding in their requests.  In the movie they refused to even vote on Rhee's proposal.  Our education system has been lacking for far too long now.  Stop the bickering, stop with the grudges and come up with a solution already.  Every year no changes are made is another generation of thousands of children getting the short end of the situation at no fault of their own.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Education History

I attended elementary school in Northampton County, however, I don't really remember it much.  I do remember most of my middle school years and high school years though.  At the beginning of Middle School, in 5th grade, my family moved to Whitehall Township in Lehigh County.  I will discuss my high school experience since it is fresher in my mind.

Whitehall High School

I did not enjoy high school much.  I would describe Whitehall High School, according to Jean Anyon's article, as being the middle-class type.  Getting good grades was directly connected to getting correct answers.  For every question there was an answer, the correct answer, and if you did not get to that one answer you were wrong.  Abstract thinking and brainstorming was not commonplace.  I definitely felt the 'banking concept' from Freire's article was the norm.  Although I was a good student I was rather shy and quiet throughout high school and I felt as if the teachers didn't remember I was there.  Louder, more disruptive students took all of the teachers' attention.  I was quite bored in most of my classes because the speed was very slow.  I had a lot of English classes where all we did was read our required readings out loud.  I read all the time and could have read the book 10 times over in the time it took us to go through it once in class.  It seemed a lot like trying to get through the year.  I had one English teacher who couldn't get the class to settle and stop talking.  Her method was to say 'fine, if you don't want to learn then I won't teach.'  The rest of that period was spent doing whatever we wanted.  I wouldn't say it's a terrible school, at least while I was there, but it definitely could have been better.  They way that every question had its one right answer has affected me ever since.  Abstract thinking comes only with effort and distress comes when what is expected is not clearly defined.  I did have a few really cool teachers.  They would allow discussion more and actually seemed like they enjoyed their jobs.  Unfortunately the teachers that weren't very enthusiastic outnumbered the ones that were.  I must say that I don't remember most of what I was taught throughout high school.  It was mostly just getting through day by day doing what was expected because it was expected.  I think kids are born willing to learn everything and anything they can but going through bad schools slowing kills their inquisitive nature and eagerness to learn.  Hopefully and education reform will actually be followed through to give the next generations a fighting chance.

Interview with a College Student: Lauren's Story

College is a huge undertaking for anybody and is a commitment to a lot of hard work.  Some people commit to so much more than others though.  Lauren has been working full-time at Walmart as an apparel zone manager for 9 1/2 years now.  Amazingly, as a first time college student in her first semester, Lauren has taken on a full time school schedule along with working full-time.  That is quite a commitment and a work load I couldn't even fathom.  With this being her first semester here at Cedar Crest Lauren has taken on Chemistry (which she loathes), College Writing, Pre-Nursing and Art Therapy courses.  Her major is Nursing which just so happens to be her dream career.  Having been shy most of her life Lauren had originally thought about a career in accounting.  But as time went on she has realized that she wants to help people and when questioned what job she would do if she could have any job in the world, her reply was nursing.  It's such a blessing to be involved in a career that you love.

Lauren has two brothers and a sister.  Her older brother, named Brandon, is a member of the US Air Force and was recently stationed in Europe.  I would like to take a moment to thank him for his service.  Her younger brother's name is Brett and her sister's name is Kristin who is the same age.  Growing up Brandon would sit on her until Lauren would play Risk with him.  Risk is a military strategy board game that I have no clue how to play.  Lauren played Risk so much, as a result of being sit on, to the point where she was able to place 3rd in a Risk tournament against all ages of people when she was just 13 years old!  I think that's so cool.  Lauren also was part of a bowling league up until she was 21.  Another super cool thing, which I hope to do some day, is skydiving.  Lauren has been skydiving 3 times now and has a goal to be able to do a solo jump at least once.  In skydiving, you must jump tandem (meaning you are strapped onto a more experienced jumper) until you have completed 8 tandem jumps, attend a 1 hour class and then 5 more tandem jumps.  Another goal of Lauren's is to participate in the Warrior Dash with her brother Brandon.  The Warrior Dash is a military boot-camp style obstacle course that is 3.3 miles long.  She is using this charity run for St Jude's Children's Hospital as motivation to get in shape. Good luck Lauren!

Although Lauren does not have any kids of her own she is extremely family oriented.  She has two nieces belonging to her older brother Brandon.  Their names are Kylie and Hailey.  Her Sister has two daughters names Savannah and Madilyn.  And her younger brother Brett has a little boy on the way who's due in January.  Lauren's roommate also has a daughter named Hannah who Lauren  counts as another niece.  Lauren lives in New Tripoli with her roommate Melissa and her two cats Bella and Sammy.  Lauren has moved 5 times in her life.  From growing up in Kutztown to Allentown, back to Kutztown, then over to Orefield and finally to New Tripoli where she hopes to stay while she finishes college.

                                                        View photo.JPG in slide show

College is a great place to meet all sorts of people.  It is amazing the things that others have accomplished that you would never know about unless you ask.  So find someone and strike up a conversation, you never know who you'll meet!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hello everyone.  My name is Lynn and this is my very first blog!

I just starting college again at Cedar Crest College.  It's been a few years since I completed my freshman year at Bloomsburg University.  I am a social work major.  This is my third semester at Cedar Crest and it's a bit overwhelming since I also work full-time.  I currently work at Fresenius Medical Care verifying insurance for our dialysis patients.  I plan on becoming a social worker for the same company once I get my Masters degree.  Since I'm only completing two classes per semester it will take me another 5 years to get my degree.  It'll be a long road but definitely worth it!

In what little free time I do have I like to go horseback riding and hiking with my dogs.  I've been riding horses since I can remember.  With having such a hectic life it's so nice to head out on the trails for a few hours to get away from it all.  I currently lease a horse in Hellertown which allows me to ride once a week.  Her name is Taffee and although she's on the small side she's very fast.  I go riding with my friend Carolyn a lot and we like to race through the park.  I have two dogs, Stuey and Orion, which are both Jack Russell Terriers.  They're great little dogs.  They help keep me active when I'd otherwise just sit down after a long day of work.

Recently, my life got a lot more hectic when I was rear-ended.  I was stopped at a red light when a girl who was using her cell phone smashed right into me.  Unfortunately, I saw her coming and knew she was going to hit me.  Hindsight tells me I should have tried honking the horn to get her attention.  Please, please, please everyone don't use your phones while you're driving.  I know you hear it all the time but it's for a good reason.  Although nobody was hurt it causes a lot of issues beyond the accident.  It wasn't too bad of a collision, even though she was going fast enough for her airbag to go off, but it's scary.  It took awhile to get rid of the shakes and I still get nervous when I see someone coming up behind me.  And even though I was not at fault I had a lot to deal with.  My insurance deemed my car a 'total loss' and took it away giving me only 10 days in a rental to find a new car (some insurance companies will only give you three).  I've finally got my new car but that was the 10 most stressful days I've had in a long time and all because she decided that texting was more important than operating her vehicle.  Please, don't use your phone and drive.  I am proud to announce (although I never use my phone and drive) my new car is bluetooth compatible and I am able to answer the phone with a push of a button on the steering wheel. :)